Delicious Vegan Recipe: Sweetened Condensed Milk

Welcome to my vegan sweetened condensed milk recipe article! If you’re a fan of baking, cooking or even dessert toppings, then you may know how crucial sweetened condensed milk is in creating that perfect texture and flavor. Unfortunately, traditional versions are made with dairy products such as milk powder and lactose, making it unsuitable for vegans and those with lactose intolerance.

That’s where my recipe comes in! By using coconut milk and a few other simple vegan ingredients, I’ve created an easy and delicious substitute for sweetened condensed milk that anyone can enjoy. Not only is it plant-based and cruelty-free, but it also packs the same creamy sweetness as the original.

Whether you’re using it to create a vegan cheesecake or to drizzle over your morning coffee, this recipe will not disappoint. And the best part? It only requires two ingredients and takes less than 45 minutes to make.

So let’s get started on creating the best vegan sweetened condensed milk you’ve ever tasted!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Vegan Sweetened Condensed Milk
Vegan Sweetened Condensed Milk

My darlings, allow me to tell you why this recipe will absolutely steal your hearts. First and foremost, it is a vegan substitute for the beloved sweetened condensed milk we’ve all grown up with. As a vegan chef, I am delighted to share this easy and plant-based recipe with you.

This recipe calls for just two simple ingredients – arrowroot and coconut milk – making it effortless to make. It is dairy-free, lactose-free, and vegan-friendly! Elevating any dish that calls for sweetened condensed milk is now possible with this delightful substitute.

The best part? It’s versatile! It can replace sweetened condensed milk in any recipe you desire. This means you can indulge in classic desserts like cookies, cakes, pies or even caramel sauce by swapping minimum amounts of sweetened condensed coconut milk instead of regular sweetened condensed milk.

Oh! And let’s not forget the texture – this vegan sweet condensed coconut milk is velvety in texture and rich in flavor, going well with any of your favorite desserts.

My loves, if you love decadent sweets or have an intense sweet tooth like I do, then this vegan substitute to the classic sweetened condensed milk is a must-try. Trust me when I say that once you try it, you will never go back again.

Ingredient List

 A delicious dairy-free alternative to traditional sweetened condensed milk!
A delicious dairy-free alternative to traditional sweetened condensed milk!

Let’s take a closer look at the ingredients needed to make this fantastic Vegan Sweetened Condensed Milk Recipe.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • 1 cup of full-fat coconut milk
  • ½ cup of powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • 2 teaspoons of arrowroot powder (also known as cornstarch)
  • 1 vanilla bean, split and scraped or 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract

This recipe is simple and quick, requiring only a few basic ingredients that you can easily find in your pantry or at your local grocery store. Full-fat coconut milk is the base ingredient in this recipe, giving it the right texture and thickness. Powdered sugar is used as a natural sweetener, but you can use any other vegan sweetener of your choice. Arrowroot powder is used to thicken the mixture, which gives it that familiar condensed milk texture.

Lastly, using fresh vanilla beans in this recipe amplifies the flavor profile. Not to worry if you don’t have them on hand as they can be substituted with vanilla extract without compromising the quality of your sweetened condensed milk.

The Recipe How-To

 Perfect for baking or adding to your favorite coffee or tea!
Perfect for baking or adding to your favorite coffee or tea!

Ingredients You Need:

  • 1 cup full-fat coconut milk
  • ½ cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons arrowroot powder
  • 1 vanilla bean or 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract


  1. In a saucepan over medium heat, mix together the coconut milk and powdered sugar.
  2. Split the vanilla bean in half and scrape the seeds into the saucepan or add the vanilla extract.
  3. Whisk well and bring to a low simmer, reduce heat to low.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix together the arrowroot powder with water until dissolved.
  5. Add the arrowroot mixture into the saucepan and whisk to combine.
  6. Reduce heat to low and simmer for 15-20 minutes or until thickened like condensed milk, continuously stirring throughout.
  7. Turn off heat, remove vanilla bean (if using) and let cool for 10 minutes before storing in an airtight container.

Note: If you don’t want to use coconut milk, feel free to swap it out for any other vegan milk like almond milk, soy milk or oat milk.

Voila! Your sweetened condensed milk is ready to be used in your favorite desserts or added to your coffee as a sweetener.

Substitutions and Variations

 Smooth, creamy, and easy to make at home!
Smooth, creamy, and easy to make at home!

My beloved, do not get discouraged if you are missing an ingredient or want to switch things up. Let me reassure you that this recipe is very versatile and can be adjusted to suit your preferences.

Instead of arrowroot, you can use cornstarch as a thickener, but keep in mind that it might change the texture slightly. If you don’t have a vanilla bean or just prefer not to use it, try using vanilla extract or vanilla powder. You can adjust the amount of powdered sugar based on your preference for sweetness.

For the milk component of this vegan sweetened condensed milk recipe, I suggest using full-fat coconut milk for the best results. However, if you cannot tolerate coconut milk, feel free to substitute with any other plant-based milk of your choosing, such as soy milk or almond milk. You can also mix two different types of plant-based milks together to give it a unique flavor.

If you want to make some substitutions for sweetened condensed milk in recipes that call for it, this vegan substitute can be used in equal parts as a replacement. It is perfect for making sweets like fudge and caramel.

You could even add some additional flavors to make it more appealing to you. Think cinnamon, nutmeg or even matcha! Experimentation is key my dear reader!

Do take into consideration that this recipe may call for specific ingredients that are hard to find in your local grocery store so feel free to use any alternatives that are available nearby.

I assure you that no matter what substitute or variations you choose, this easy vegan sweetened condensed milk recipe will be deliciously sweet and satisfying!

Serving and Pairing

 Say goodbye to store-bought versions filled with preservatives and additives!
Say goodbye to store-bought versions filled with preservatives and additives!

Oh, how I love to take a small bite out of life’s tastiest moments! And, boy, is this Vegan Sweetened Condensed Milk Recipe one of those moments. This plant-based delight can be served in many ways, and today we’re going to explore some of the best pairings that will add that extra something-something to your recipes.

One of my favorite ways to enjoy this vegan sweetened condensed milk is by drizzling it over fresh fruit salad. The creaminess of the milk enhances the sweetness of fruits, creating an explosion in your mouth. It’s like having your own private firework show.

Another way I love to serve this deliciousness is as a dip for cookies or crackers. Just imagine dipping a crispy cookie into that creamy velvety milk – absolute heaven! It’s hard to beat enjoying a cozy night in with your loved ones indulging in kindness and bliss.

For those of you with a bit more sophistication (ahem), you could use this vegan substitute instead of caramel sauce on a sinful scoop of ice cream. Once again, it adds a new dimension to the flavor profile that can convince even the most skeptical folks that veganism isn’t boring!

You can also use this easy vegan sweetened condensed milk recipe as an ingredient in baking muffins, cakes or doughnuts. It will give you that moist texture that every cake needs while adding to its rich sweetness.

Pairing ideas are endless. If you want to go beyond these suggestions, think about adding this lusciousness to oatmeal, smoothies, coffee or hot cocoa. You can even mix it with other vegan ingredients and create a unique sauce for your savory dishes.

Remember that when using this vegan substitute sweetened condensed milk recipe as an ingredient in other dishes, such as pies or tarts, it may alter their texture slightly since it is not made with dairy. However, it’s more than worth it when you consider the health benefits and impact we can have by choosing plant-based options.

Let your taste buds create their own adventure and share with me what delights they take you on!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Great for vegans, lactose-intolerant individuals, and anyone looking for a healthier option!
Great for vegans, lactose-intolerant individuals, and anyone looking for a healthier option!

When it comes to meal-prep, this vegan sweetened condensed milk recipe is a great make-ahead option. After preparing your milk, you can let it cool completely and transfer it to an airtight container for storage. This makes whipping up vegan desserts a breeze as you can have the ingredient readily available without having to whip up the milk on-the-spot.

If you’re making this recipe in advance for an upcoming event or party, it’s recommended that you store it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. For even longer storage, the vegan condensed milk can be frozen for up to three months. When ready to use, simply thaw it out in the refrigerator overnight.

When reheating your vegan condensed milk, it’s important to do so over low heat with constant stirring. This will ensure that the mixture heats up evenly and doesn’t become overly thick. The mixture should never be microwaved as this could cause lumping and burning of the condensed milk.

Overall, storing and reheating this vegan sweetened condensed milk recipe is very easy and convenient, allowing you to enjoy its delicious taste in most of your favorite desserts!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Just a few simple ingredients needed to whip up this homemade delight!
Just a few simple ingredients needed to whip up this homemade delight!

When it comes to making vegan sweetened condensed milk, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here are my top tips to ensure perfect results every time:

1. Use full-fat coconut milk: Don’t attempt to use reduced-fat coconut milk or coconut cream in this recipe. You want the full-fat version to achieve the thick and creamy consistency of classic sweetened condensed milk.

2. Be patient while cooking: It’s important to cook the mixture at a low simmer for at least 45 minutes for the starches to fully dissolve and thicken.

3. Stir constantly: It might seem like a tedious task, but stirring the mixture every few minutes will prevent it from burning and ensure even cooking.

4. Experiment with variations: While this recipe calls for coconut milk, feel free to experiment with other plant-based milk substitutes such as soy, almond, or oat milk for different flavors and textures.

5. Add vanilla bean for extra flavor: The addition of a fresh vanilla bean gives this homemade vegan sweetened condensed milk an irresistible flavor and aroma.

6. Store correctly: Once you’ve made your batch of vegan sweetened condensed milk, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to make the best vegan sweetened condensed milk for your recipes, without relying on store-bought dairy products.


Now that we have gone through the recipe and its variations, you may still have some doubts about it. To help you out, I’ve put together a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding this Vegan Sweetened Condensed Milk Recipe. Keep reading to find answers to common questions about substitutions, storing, and customizing the recipe to your liking.

What is vegan sweetened condensed milk made from?

Creating a vegan version of condensed milk is a straightforward process that involves blending coconut cream along with sugar, vanilla, and salt. The resulting mixture is equally as luscious, smooth, and sugary as the traditional counterpart.

What can I do with a can of sweetened condensed milk?

Elevate your iced coffee or tea game by trading in regular skim milk for the indulgent sweetness of condensed milk. Satisfy that sweet tooth by convincing yourself it’s a justifiable reason to bake yet another delicious treat. Consider switching up your taste buds by transforming something sugary into a savory dish. Give your vanilla ice cream a tasty update by using condensed milk as a drizzle or mix-in. Take your culinary skills to the next level by mastering the art of creating rich and creamy dulce de leche. Don’t hold back – pour this liquid gold on any dessert or snack for an added touch of deliciousness.

What is the best substitute for sweetened condensed milk?

If you’re running out of sweetened condensed milk while making a recipe, I’ve got a quick solution for you. Heavy cream is already thick and creamy, so by just mixing 1 cup of it with ¼ cup of sugar, you’ll have a delicious alternative that can be used in place of sweetened condensed milk. This creamy substitute works great as a 1:1 replacement in any recipe that calls for sweetened condensed milk.

Bottom Line

This vegan sweetened condensed milk recipe is a game-changer for anyone looking to make delicious plant-based desserts. With just a few simple substitutions, you can make this recipe using your favorite non-dairy milk and even adjust the sweetness level to your liking.

Not only is it easy to make, but it’s also more affordable than buying store-bought versions. Plus, you have control over the ingredients that go into it, making it a healthier alternative.

So the next time you need sweetened condensed milk for a recipe, give this easy vegan version a try. Your taste buds (and wallet) will thank you!

Vegan Sweetened Condensed Milk

Vegan Sweetened Condensed Milk Recipe

This uses coconut milk and almond milk(or other non dairy milk) and is actually super easy to make! I'm happy. From Gluten Free Vegan Love.
No ratings yet
Prep Time 20 mins
Cook Time 1 hr 5 mins
Course Dessert
Cuisine Vegan
Servings 1 batch
Calories 2521 kcal


  • 1 (13 1/2 ounce) can full fat coconut milk
  • 2 1/4 cups non-dairy milk (I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk)
  • 1 1/2 cups vegan powdered sugar (or maple syrup to taste, though itâ ll come out darker)
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground vanilla bean (or pure vanilla extract to taste, I just love the tiny flecks, which is why I used ground beans)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons arrowroot
  • 1 tablespoon coconut flour
  • 4 tablespoons water


  • Place coconut milk, non-dairy milk, sugar and vanilla into a tall-rimmed sauce pan (use a bigger sauce pan to avoid boiling over). Heat on medium heat to bring to a light boil, whisking frequently to dissolve and blend all ingredients together. Once at a gentle boil, reduce heat to low and leave to cook for an hour to allow the liquids to reduce (hence for the mixture to become condensed). Stir occasionally to keep ingredients combined, and keep an eye on the mixture to make sure it doesn’t boil over by accident.
  • Once an hour has passed, it’s time to thicken the mixture. In a separate cup or small bowl mix arrowroot with 2 tbsp water to create a slurry. Pour this mixture into the saucepan and using a whisk blend the mixture until it’s uniform. Take it off the stove and allow it to sit for 5 minutes to thicken. At this point the mixture will look a little gelatinous (glossy and thick). Make another slurry by mixing coconut flour in 2 tbsp water. Pour this into the sauce pan and once again using a whisk combine the mixture until it’s blended through.
  • NOTE: you can probably skip this step by simply allowing the mixture to cook on the stove for another 1-2 hours. I’m just not that patient
  • Pour into a glass jar and allow it to cool to room temperature. Store in the fridge or use immediately in a recipe.

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 1182gCalories: 2521kcalCarbohydrates: 428.3gProtein: 22.7gFat: 85.3gSaturated Fat: 74.3gCholesterol: 76.9mgSodium: 418.4mgFiber: 1.2gSugar: 381.9g
Keyword < 4 Hours, Coconut, Fruit, Sauces, Vegan, Weeknight
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