Delicious Vegan Cornish Pasties for a Healthy Meal

Welcome friends to my vegan kitchen where I whip up some of the most delectable and appetizing vegan dishes that cater to a wide range of palates. Today, I am thrilled to share with you my recipe for Vegan Cornish Pasties – a dish that’s not only easy to make but is also packed with plant-based goodness.

The Cornish Pasty is an iconic dish that originated in Cornwall, England. It consists of a pastry shell filled with meat and vegetables. Traditionally, it is made with beef and potatoes, onions, and Swede turnip. But since I believe that everyone deserves to enjoy the timeless pleasure of a warm pasty fresh from the oven, I have reinvented this classic dish into a proper vegan cornish pasty.

The key ingredient in my Vegan Cornish Pasties is kidney beans. They offer protein and other essential nutrients needed for a healthy diet. We’ll also be using some delightful combinations of plant-based ingredients such as swede, onion, potatoes, and soymilk.

So join me in the kitchen as we embark on a journey of creating delicious flavors that will tantalize your taste buds and wow your family and friends. Trust me when I say nothing beats the satisfaction that comes from enjoying homemade vegan pasties.

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Vegan Cornish Pasties
Vegan Cornish Pasties

Friends, let me tell you why you’re going to love this vegan Cornish pasty recipe. This dish is a classic English delight that has been adored by generations. I assure you that this vegan version will become your new favorite pasty. Trust me; your taste buds will thank you.

Firstly, the filling for these pasties is so hearty and flavorful that even carnivores won’t miss the meat in it. Instead of mince beef, I use kidney beans that are protein-packed and nutritious along with a combination of swede, onion, potatoes, and celery finely chopped. These veggies are perfectly diced to ensure they cook evenly, while the addition of herbs such as ground black pepper and dried thyme adds fantastic flavor.

Secondly, this recipe uses plant-based ingredients such as margarine and soymilk, making it suitable for vegans and vegetarians alike. We know how important it is to be mindful of our ecological footprint and what we put into our bodies. This dish eschews any animal products while being abundant in nutrition and soul-warming goodness.

Lastly, this Cornish pasty recipe offers versatility with its substitutions and variations, from curried vegetable pasties to bean stew fillings. Use your air fryer or oven-baked them to make crispy packages perfect for midweek dinners or road trips. This recipe even offers make-ahead options for those busy weekdays ahead.

I believe that every meal is an opportunity to indulge in deliciousness without sacrificing health goals or ethical beliefs. With this vegan Cornish pasty recipe in your arsenal, you’ll have a go-to dish on hand that everyone will love, whether they’re proper vegans or just trying out plant-based options.

Ingredient List

 These Cornish pasties are filled with savory goodness that any vegan will appreciate.
These Cornish pasties are filled with savory goodness that any vegan will appreciate.

Here are the ingredients you will need for this Proper Vegan Cornish Pasty recipe:

  • For the Pastry:
  • 500g white flour
  • 200g plant-based margarine
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 125ml water

  • For the Filling:

  • 400g potatoes, cut into 1cm cubes and peeled
  • 200g swede, cut into 1cm cubes and peeled
  • 1 onion, finely chopped
  • 150g kidney beans
  • Ground black pepper
  • Salt

  • For the Glaze:

  • Soymilk

Note: You can find most of these ingredients at any local grocery stores such as Morrisons or online supermarkets like Amazon. Additionally, if you prefer spicier pasties, you can add diced carrot or celery to the filling.

Tip: Buy pre-prepared puff pastry for an easier and quicker recipe.

The Recipe How-To

 The golden crust of these pasties is simply irresistible.
The golden crust of these pasties is simply irresistible.

Now that we’ve got all the ingredients ready, let’s jump right into creating proper Vegan Cornish pasties that you’ll surely love!

Preparing the Pastry

Step 1 – Start by preparing the pastry. In a bowl, mix 300g of white flour with a pinch of salt.

Step 2 – Add 130g of margarine, and using your fingertips, rub it together with the flour until the mixture is crumbly.

Step 3 – Gradually add a large splash of soymilk and water, mixing well until the dough comes together. Knead lightly for around 30 seconds, shaping it into a smooth ball.

Tuck the pastry ball in a plastic wrap and leave to rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Making the Filling

Step 4 – While waiting, prepare your filling. Start by sautéing finely chopped onion, diced potato cubes, and sliced swede or turnip cubes peel.

Step 5 – Add in diced kidney bean, then sprinkle 4 tsp dried ground black pepper, and 1 tsp salt.

Step 6 – Lightly mash some of the potato cubes to help bind the beans and potato mixture.

How to Shape and Bake

Step 7 – Preheat oven to around 200 °C / 400 F. Roll out your pastry on a floured surface until it’s around 2mm thick.

Step 8 – Cut out two large circles for each vegan pasty using a small plate as your guide.

Step 9 – Take one pastry round and put it in front of you on a floured work surface. Place half of the bean-stew onto one side of each circle, leaving room around the edge so you can crimp it closed.

Fold over other half neatly with the edge meeting halfway across showing half-moon shape. Make sure that there is no trapped air inside your pasty before crimping with either your fingers, fork or crimping tool.

Finally, brush each vegan Cornish pasty with dairy-free milk or water before placing them in a lined baking tray for about an hour, or until nicely browned.

Enjoy these delicious vegan pasties hot, cold or both!

Substitutions and Variations

 The ingredients for these amazing Cornish pasties are easy to find and they sure pack a punch.
The ingredients for these amazing Cornish pasties are easy to find and they sure pack a punch.

My dear ones, I understand that sometimes you may not have all the ingredients on hand, or perhaps you prefer to switch things up a bit. Fear not, for I have some substitutions and variations for this vegan Cornish pasties recipe.

Firstly, if you don’t have swede on hand, you can substitute it with turnips or parsnips. They will give a similar sweetness and texture that complements the other vegetables in the recipe.

If you want to add a protein boost to your pasties, consider adding some extra kidney beans to the filling. They are high in protein and will add a rich flavor to the pasty.

For those who dislike onions, just skip them altogether. You can increase the amount of celery or carrots instead to add extra crunch and sweetness to the pasty filling.

If you are looking for a gluten-free alternative, instead of using white flour for the crust, use a pastry mix that is suitable for gluten-free diets.

Lastly, why not try experimenting with different herbs and spices? A pinch of paprika or cumin can add some warmth and depth of flavor to the pasty filling. Be creative and make it your own!

Remember that cooking is about being inventive and using what you have available. So always feel free to tweak recipes according to your taste.

Serving and Pairing

 Give your taste buds a treat with these delectable and filling pasties.
Give your taste buds a treat with these delectable and filling pasties.

When it comes to serving the Vegan Cornish Pasties Recipe, it’s all about the perfect balance of flavors and textures. These pasties are not only delicious but also versatile and can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

You can keep the pasties warm in the oven for up to 30 minutes before serving. Once ready, serve them hot or at room temperature with a side salad or fresh vegetables. They are perfect for picnics, potlucks, or served family-style for Sunday lunch.

The vegan cornish pasty pairs well with a variety of beverages, from cold beer to hot tea, coffee or even apple juice. The filling is quite savory and hearty, so a light yet refreshing beverage is an excellent choice. A classic British ale like a Guinness pairs perfectly with the flavor profile of these tasty pastries.

Additionally, you can pair these pasties with dipping sauces such as ketchup or barbecue sauce to add more complexity to their taste. They also serve as the perfect appetizer alongside other party foods such as spinach dip or hearty soups.

And if you’re looking for a wholesome and healthy meal plan, you can pair your vegan cornish pasty with roasted vegetables like carrots or Brussels sprouts. The combination of veggies and pastry creates a satisfying and nourishing meal that will leave you feeling energized throughout the day.

In summary, there are many ways to serve and pair this vegan cornish pasty recipe – be creative and experiment with various combinations until you find your favorite!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 Prepare to be wowed by the flavors and textures of these vegan pasties.
Prepare to be wowed by the flavors and textures of these vegan pasties.

As a busy vegan chef, I understand the value of being able to prepare meals in advance. Fortunately, my vegan Cornish pasties can be made ahead of time and still maintain their delicious taste and texture.

To make-ahead, simply prepare the recipe as directed and allow the pasties to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. Alternatively, you can freeze them for up to two months.

When reheating, the most effective way to do so is by using an oven. Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C) and place the cold pasties onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Bake for approximately 15-20 minutes or until heated through.

You can also use an air fryer set at 350°F (175°C) for approximately 5-7 minutes or until warmed through.

It’s essential not to microwave your pasties as they can become soggy and lose their texture.

Whether you’re making vegan cornish pasties for a quick dinner or preparing them ahead of time for a party or gathering, this recipe will provide you with scrumptious plant-based treats every time.

Tips for Perfect Results

 Enjoy these tasty pasties as a hearty meal or a great snack on the go.
Enjoy these tasty pasties as a hearty meal or a great snack on the go.

As an expert in vegan cooking, I have some tips to help you achieve the perfect result with your vegan Cornish pasties. Remember, a proper vegan Cornish pasty should be golden-brown on the outside and moist on the inside. Here are my top tips for making sure your pasties turn out perfectly every time.

Firstly, make sure that you brush the tops of your pasties with soymilk before baking. This will give them a beautiful golden color and a lovely sheen. If you don’t have soymilk, you can also use water or any other plant-based milk.

Secondly, for a really delicious twist on the recipe, why not try adding some finely chopped herbs? Rosemary, thyme and sage all work really well together and will give your vegan Cornish pasties an added depth of flavor.

Thirdly, when lining up the filling it’s best to leave about 1cm/1/2 inches around the edge free from filling as this ensures that the edges will seal properly.

Fourthly, if you want your pasties to be super crispy you can use margarine in place of soymilk for brushing them before baking. Margarine contains a high amount of fat which helps achieve crispy crusts.

Another tip is to put your pasties in the fridge for 30 minutes before baking. This will chill the dough which creates a steam effect when it comes into contact with the hot oven air resulting in flaky pastry layers.

Lastly, always make sure that your veggie filling is cooked through before adding it to your pasty otherwise you will end up with soggy pastry. Cut veggies to similar size cubes so they cook evenly within 30 minutes of meat-free bake time.

By following these tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating some proper delicious and perfect vegan Cornish Pasties every time.


As a vegan chef, I understand that cooking and baking can be both exciting and challenging at times. With this in mind, I have put together a list of commonly asked questions (FAQ) regarding this vegan cornish pasty recipe. Don’t worry if you’re feeling overwhelmed, I’m here to help in any way I can. Let’s get started with some answers to your burning questions!

What is the difference between Cornish and Devonshire pasties?

The pasty’s origin remains the subject of much dispute. An easy way to differentiate between the Devon and Cornish pasties is that the Devon version has an oval shape with a crimp at the top, while the Cornish pasty is semi-circular and crimped along its curve.

Why do Cornish pasties have a thick crust?

The pasty’s crust played a crucial role in its consumption during the time when people were mining tin and arsenic was a common concern. It served as a practical way to hold the pasty without worrying about dirty hands contaminating the food. The crust was a necessary feature to avoid the risk of arsenic poisoning associated with consuming the tin-filled pasties.

What is vegan pasty made of?

In this recipe, I will guide you through making delicious pasties filled with a flavorful combination of curried coconut vegetables and chickpeas. These scrumptious pasties are wrapped in a crispy shortcrust pastry, which is enhanced with a hint of turmeric for a golden tint. However, feel free to omit the turmeric if you prefer.

What is the rule on Cornish pasty?

The filling for the pasty must consist solely of beef and specific vegetables listed beforehand. It is required that the whole pasty contains 12.5% beef and 25% vegetables to ensure a balanced taste. All ingredients must not be cooked prior to assembling the pasty, and the final product must be slowly baked to enhance its flavor and texture, as per the traditional Cornish pasty preparation.

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this vegan Cornish pasty recipe is a perfect example of how delicious and satisfying plant-based meals can be. Not only is it a healthier option compared to traditional pasties, but it’s also kinder to animals and the planet. By using plant-based ingredients like kidney beans, swede, onion, potatoes, soymilk, and margarine, you’re able to create a proper vegan Cornish pasty that’s just as tasty and filling as its non-vegan counterpart.

Through this recipe article, I hope that I have inspired you to give this vegan pasty a try. Whether you’re a seasoned vegan or simply looking to incorporate more plant-based meals into your diet, this recipe is sure to delight your taste buds. By using the proper vegan Cornish pasty ingredients and following the step-by-step instructions carefully, you can create delicious vegetable pasties that are perfect for lunch or dinner.

So next time you’re in the mood for some comfort food or looking for something new to cook for your family or friends, remember this vegan Cornish pasties recipe. It’s easy-to-make, versatile, and perfect for any occasion. Together we can make a difference by choosing to make a positive impact on our health and environment one meal at a time.

Vegan Cornish Pasties

Vegan Cornish Pasties Recipe

Originating in Cornwall, the Cornish pasty is sold all over the UK, in supermarkets, bakers, and pubs – it's the perfect take-out (or, as they say there, take-away) food. This recipe was published by the Vegetarian Society for National Vegetarian Week 2006, and I'm passing it on to Zaar for our 6th World Tour! Enjoy, and remember to pronounce with a long 'a' in 'pastie', like 'fast', which is how they'll be devoured 😉
No ratings yet
Prep Time 25 mins
Cook Time 45 mins
Course Main Course
Cuisine Vegan
Servings 4 large pasties
Calories 448.2 kcal


For the pastry

  • 1/2 cup margarine (a vegan type!)
  • 2 tablespoons margarine (a vegan type!)
  • 1 cup white flour (a little generous)
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup water, very cold

To glaze

  • 1/4 cup soymilk, as needed

For the filling

  • 200 g potatoes, peeled and chopped into chunks
  • 1/2 medium onion, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 125 g swede, peeled and cut into chunks (can use turnip if swede is unavailable)
  • 2 -3 teaspoons light vegetable stock powder (rounded teaspoons)
  • 1/3 cup kidney bean, rinsed and drained
  • ground black pepper, to taste


  • Preheat oven to 190C / 375F / Gas mark 5. Grease a baking sheet, or line with baking paper (not greaseproof).
  • To make the filling: put all ingredients except the kidney beans into a food processor and process until very finely chopped. Turn into a bowl and stir in the kidney beans. Add plenty of pepper to taste.
  • To make the pastry: Grate 120g margarine (or 60g margarine and 60g white fat) into 225g flour and the salt. Stir and cut through well with a large blunt knife to break up the fat and margarine a little.
  • Using the blunt knife to stir, gradually add enough water to make a soft dough. Do not make too sticky. Using a little of the remaining flour, gently roll out the pastry until about 1cm thick. Fold the pastry into thirds by bringing the bottom edge up to about two thirds, and the top edge down to cover. Then fold the sides in the same way. If not using straight away, wrap in foil and store in the fridge for up to 24 hours.
  • To form the pasties: Roll out the pastry to about 1cm thick and cut into 4 rounds about the size of a large tea plate. Pile filling into the centre of each circle and top with a piece of the remaining margarine. For each pasty, dampen the edge of the pastry with a little water, then fold pastry over the filling to form and half circle. Try to stuff as much filling in as you possibly can.
  • To make the traditional edging, beginning at the right side, use the forefinger and thumb of your right hand to pinch the pastry together while using the forefinger and thumb of your left hand to fold over the section of pastry next to it. Move along to the next section of pastry, and repeat. Continue in this way along the edge of the pastry, making a rope-like join.
  • Place the pasties onto the prepared baking sheet. Brush each one with soy milk, and prick with a fork to let the steam escape.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for about 45 minutes until golden brown. Serve piping hot. The pasties should not split open, but if they do, it’s not a problem, they are merely called ‘laughing pasties’!

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 229gCalories: 448.2kcalCarbohydrates: 40.7gProtein: 6.9gFat: 29.2gSaturated Fat: 5.1gSodium: 996.2mgFiber: 4gSugar: 3.3g
Keyword < 4 Hours, Beans, European, Lunch, Potato, Savory Pies, Vegan, Vegetable
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