Mouth-Watering Zesty Lime Corn Salad Recipe

Hello and welcome to my latest recipe article where I am excited to share with you my raw vegan zesty lime corn salad recipe. This dish provides the perfect combination of fresh flavors and textures that will tickle your taste buds and leave you feeling refreshed, satiated and nourished.

As a vegan chef, I enjoy creating recipes that are not only healthy but also packed with flavors that everyone can enjoy. The beauty of this recipe is that it requires no cooking, making it an easy go-to option for those lazy summer days when you don’t feel like heating up your kitchen.

This salad is perfect for vegans, vegetarians or anyone who appreciates a delicious plant-based meal. It’s also ideal for people who are new to veganism and looking for a tasty introduction to the benefits of a plant-based diet.

So come along and join me as we make this delightful zesty lime corn salad recipe together. Let’s get started!

Why You’ll Love This Recipe

Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad
Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad

Are you looking for a dish that will awaken your taste buds with a blast of flavors? Look no further than this Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad Recipe! I cannot express how good this salad is, and I bet once you try it, you’ll be impressed by how the zesty lime dressing beautifully ties all the ingredients together.

Not only is it an irresistible side dish for any meal, but it is also refreshing and perfect for those hot summer days. This salad recipe consists of fresh and organic corn kernels, diced vine-ripened tomatoes, creamy avocado, spicy serrano chili, and cilantro. All these ingredients are tossed in a homemade lime vinaigrette that’s made with fresh lime juice and garlic. What’s more, this recipe is fully vegan!

One of the best things about this recipe is how versatile it is. You can make substitutions or variations using other ingredients such as black beans, red bell pepper, or even roasted corn. It’s an excellent dish to spice up your taco night or serve as an entree with baked tofu or grilled vegetables.

Lastly, this recipe is incredibly easy to prepare. It takes only 10 minutes to toss everything together and serve. The hardest part of preparing this salad will be patiently waiting for the corn to boil!

In summary, this Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad Recipe ticks all the boxes: healthy, flavorful, easy to make, versatile, refreshing, and vegan! Go ahead and give it a shot; your taste buds will thank you!

Ingredient List

 A refreshing dish for a hot summer day!
A refreshing dish for a hot summer day!

Whether you’re looking to incorporate more raw vegan salads into your diet, or simply on the hunt for a delicious and refreshing recipe that packs a flavor punch, this Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad Recipe is sure to satisfy your taste buds. Here’s what you’ll need to get started on this delicious dish:


  • 4 cups of organic corn kernels
  • 1 medium diced red pepper
  • 1 large vine ripened tomato, diced
  • 1 cup of finely diced vine-ripened tomatoes
  • ½ cup of diced avocado
  • ¼ cup of finely chopped cilantro
  • 2 tablespoons of extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3 tablespoons of fresh lime juice
  • 1 clove of garlic, minced
  • 1 small serrano chili, seeded and minced (optional)
  • Sea salt and cracked black pepper to taste

Don’t fret if you don’t have every item on this list on hand; we’ll cover some substitutions and variations in the next section. But for now, let’s dive into how to assemble this stunning salad.

The Recipe How-To

 The perfect combination of sweet, zesty, and crunchy flavors
The perfect combination of sweet, zesty, and crunchy flavors

Now, it’s time to start creating your amazing Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad. Below are all the steps you need to follow to make this delicious salad.

Step 1: Preparing the Ingredients

Firstly, gather all the ingredients needed for this recipe. Make sure that you have all the raw vegan zesty lime corn salad ingredients in sufficient quantity.

Next, shuck 4 ears of organic corn and slice off the stems. Then, use a sharp knife to cut off the kernels from the cob into a large mixing bowl. You can also use a corn stripper for ease of use.

Dice 1 medium red onion, 1 diced red pepper, and 1 large vine-ripened tomato into small pieces and add them to the same bowl as the corn kernels.

For an added spicy kick, finely mince a serrano chili and add it to the mixture. Don’t forget about fresh cilantro! Add in 1/4 cup of chopped fresh cilantro leaves.

Step 2: Making the Lime Dressing

In another mixing bowl, whisk together 3 tablespoons of fresh lime juice, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 minced garlic clove, and a pinch of cracked black pepper and sea salt until well combined.

Step 3: Assembling the Salad

Now comes the fun part – putting together your Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad. Pour your lime dressing over your vegetable mixture and stir everything together until thoroughly coated.

Finally, add cubed avocado for creaminess, about ½ cup, and fold everything in one more time delicately. The avocado tends to become mushy when it is handled too much but don’t worry about it too much.

Step 4: Taste Testing

Once everything has been mixed together, taste test your salad with a little salt or lime juice if you feel like it needs more flavoring. You can always adjust the seasoning according to your preference.

Step 5: Presentation

For presentation purposes or for added flavor you may garnish sliced avocado or even sprinkle some chili powder on top. Another option would be to char or grill corn before making this salad for a different version of Mexican Street Corn Salad with Grilled Corn.

This Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad is perfect as both a side dish or lunchtime meal. Light yet flavorful with plenty of delightful textures! Enjoy!

Substitutions and Variations

 Spice up your salad game with this vibrant creation
Spice up your salad game with this vibrant creation

Looking to mix things up and put your own spin on this zesty lime corn salad recipe? No problem! Here are some substitutions and variations that you can try to create your own unique dish.

РCrank up the heat: If you love spicier dishes, consider substituting the serrano chili for a hotter pepper like a jalape̱o or habanero. You could even add some crushed red pepper flakes or cayenne powder for an extra kick.

– Change up the veggies: While corn, tomatoes, and avocado are classic ingredients in this salad recipe, don’t be afraid to swap them out or add in some extra vegetables. Finely diced red bell pepper, thinly sliced radishes, or cubed cucumber would all make great additions.

– Mix up the dressing: The zesty lime dressing is what gives this salad its signature flavor, but there’s no reason you can’t switch it up. Consider trying a honey lime dressing or a chili lime vinaigrette for a slightly different taste.

– Add some protein: While this zesty lime corn salad is delicious on its own, you could also mix in some black beans or grilled chicken for a heartier dish. Or, try topping it with some crispy tofu or tempeh for a vegan protein boost.

Overall, don’t be afraid to get creative with this recipe and make it your own. Experiment with different ingredients and flavors until you find the perfect combination that suits your taste buds.

Serving and Pairing

 Show off your culinary skills with this visually appealing salad
Show off your culinary skills with this visually appealing salad

Now that you’ve made this tasty zesty lime corn salad, it’s time to enjoy it with some delicious sides! This dish is perfect all on its own as a light meal or as a side dish at your next party.

Serve your raw vegan zesty lime corn salad on a bed of fresh greens like spinach or arugula for extra texture and flavor. If you want to add some crunch, try topping it with some toasted nuts or seeds like almonds or pumpkin seeds.

For an easy summer meal, pair this salad with some grilled veggies like eggplant, asparagus, or zucchini. The smoky flavors of the grilled veggies will pair perfectly with the sweet corn and tangy lime dressing of your salad.

If you’re looking for something more substantial, try pairing this salad with some black bean tacos or a quinoa salad. The flavors in this dish are versatile enough to complement any Mexican-inspired dish.

Don’t forget about the drinks! This raw vegan zesty lime corn salad pairs well with a refreshing iced tea or a cold beer on a hot day. And if you want to add a little bit of sweetness to your meal, try serving it alongside some fresh fruit like watermelon or strawberries.

No matter how you choose to serve and pair your vegan zesty lime corn salad, it’s sure to be a hit with everyone who tries it. Enjoy!

Make-Ahead, Storing and Reheating

 A burst of citrusy goodness in every bite
A burst of citrusy goodness in every bite

As time is always of the essence, make-ahead dishes are the heroes of meal-preparation. The good news is that zesty lime corn salad is an ideal option for prepping beforehand. Prepared from scratch, this vegan salad can last up to three days in the refrigerator if stored properly in an airtight container. When it’s time to serve, toss the salad together so that all ingredients are well mixed before serving.

Meal prep not only saves time but also greens your pockets. As you don’t have to buy takeout or eat out every day, preparing your food also contributes positively to your health and wellness journey. However, take care not to store this salad for too long as it becomes too mushy and loses its fresh taste!

Further, it’s best not to freeze this recipe as the raw corn and avocado will not appreciate being frozen and thawed. If you need to make a larger batch, feel free to double or triple the recipe instead of freezing it.

When reheating leftovers, be sure to reheat slowly at a low heat so that the vegetables don’t become soggy or overcooked. As an optional addition, add more fresh lime juice, salt and pepper for enhanced flavor after reheating.

Keep it chilled for up to 3 days in the fridge, handle with care when reheating and enjoy colorful freshness!

Tips for Perfect Results

 Who said salads have to be boring? This one will prove them wrong!
Who said salads have to be boring? This one will prove them wrong!

Preparing a tantalizing and satisfying dish requires the perfect touch and care. As you step into your culinary adventure, it’s essential to understand that even small details could significantly influence the final outcome. Here are some helpful tips to ensure that your raw vegan zesty lime corn salad recipe turns out perfectly every time.

Firstly, while making this recipe, I recommend that you mix the ingredients in smaller portions. This technique will help you to control the consistency of your salad, making it more delicious and aesthetically pleasing. You can adjust the measurements indicated in the ingredient list based on your preferences.

Secondly, when working with fresh corn kernels or whole cobs, be mindful of the preparation method you choose. If you prefer using fresh corn kernels, it’s best to soak them in water for about five minutes then drain before starting. This practice helps soften the exterior and also adds a slight crunch to the salad. Alternatively, grilled or charred corn elevates the flavor profile in this recipe.

Thirdly, stay true to high-quality organic ingredients for your salad recipe. Fresh is always best; use only freshly squeezed lime juice and ripe vine tomatoes to bring out an authentic Mexican street-corn flavor. Experimenting using frozen corn is discouraged as it could affect both taste and texture.

Fourthly, when seasoning the raw vegan zesty lime corn salad recipe, use sea salt instead of table salt where possible. Sea salt has a more pronounced flavor that enhances the overall appeal of this recipe when looking to add an additional kick, use freshly cracked black pepper sparingly or some chopped serrano chilies.

Fifthly, If you’re preparing this salad ahead of time for a meal or event, store all ingredients separately and mix them just before serving. Preparing each ingredient beforehand ensures that freshness and quality are maintained.

In conclusion, preparing raw vegan zesty lime corn salad takes a great deal of effort but being mindful of these tips will elevate both its taste and presentation. Remember that cooking is an art form; hence adding your creative flair might take it up a notch further. Combine these tips with your instincts and creativity to fine-tune your recipe until it’s nothing short of perfection!

Bottom Line

In conclusion, this Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad Recipe is not only healthy and simple to prepare but it is also versatile and delicious. With the combination of fresh organic corn, ripe vegetables, aromatic herbs and zesty lime dressing, this salad will please vegans and non-vegans alike.

Whether you want to enjoy it as a refreshing side dish or a satisfying lunch meal, this recipe is perfect for all occasions. You can serve it alone or with grilled tofu, black beans, or in a burrito bowl.

Moreover, with its nutty and creamy avocado taste, this salad is incredibly nutritious as well. It is loaded with vitamins C and K, fiber, protein and healthy fats which are essential for maintaining a balanced diet.

Therefore, I strongly recommend that you try this Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad Recipe today! Because once you do it will become your new favorite salad recipe that everyone will be asking you to share. Trust me on this. Bon appétit!

Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad

Raw Vegan Zesty Lime Corn Salad Recipe

This raw vegan corn salad is super easy and absolutely scrumptious. I have to admit, I am not a huge fan of corn. Well the vegetable variety anyway. I don’t cook with it very often as I can think of so many other more nutritious vegetables I prefer to work with. But there is something about the light zestiness of the lime juice and the heat of the chili that puts a zing in the step of even the most corn-phobic diner and bewitches the palate, creating culinary music of a very simple and universal nature. And the best thing about this salad? It doesn’t taste “corny”! I have added the quantities of chilli, garlic and lime juice that I like. I used frozen corn, but fresh is always best. The best part is, that either way, you don’t have to cook the corn. Just soak it in some hot water for a few minutes and then drain. Throw it together and season to taste. YUM!
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Prep Time 10 mins
Cook Time 0 mins
Course Appetizer
Cuisine Raw Vegan
Calories 258.6 kcal


  • 4 cups organic corn kernels
  • 1 cup diced red pepper
  • 1 cup finely diced vine ripened tomatoes
  • 1 cup avocado, diced
  • 1 cup chopped fresh cilantro
  • 1 tablespoon about 1 finely chopped serrano chili (to taste)
  • 1 tablespoon finely chopped fresh garlic (2-3 cloves)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
  • 1 tablespoon cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon celtic sea salt (to taste)
  • freshly cracked black pepper


  • Soak the raw corn in some hot water for a few minutes and then drain.
  • Toss with the other ingredients, season to taste and then get corny!

Add Your Own Notes


Serving: 313gCalories: 258.6kcalCarbohydrates: 43gProtein: 6.8gFat: 10.4gSaturated Fat: 1.5gSodium: 594.5mgFiber: 8gSugar: 3.2g
Keyword < 15 Mins, Corn, Easy, Lunch, Summer, Vegan, Vegetable
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