These buggers are tremendously challenging to find in any retail store, so I figured that it would be most prudent just to do it myself .. I have not attempted this particular recipe just yet, but plan to do so (and then follow up by using them in the "Easy Vegan Ravioli" - Recipe #177428). Should anyone happen to try it out before me, I would love to hear your feedback. **this was found on the Vegweb site, posted by user: "aurorakitten". I have not altered a single detail.
Slowly stir in warm water - dough will be very stiff. Knead dough on floured surface till smooth, about 15 minutes. Cover with towel and let stand for 20 minutes.
This part takes some elbow grease, be warned. Roll about a half of the dough out, as thin as you can. I'm not that strong so mine stay a little on the thick side. It should make thirty-two 3-inch squares but I'm lucky to get sixteen. Repeat for other half of dough.
To store (if there are any leftovers, anyway) just sprinkle with cornstarch and keep in an airtight bag in the fridge or freezer.
To make "eggless" or spring rolls just cut bigger squares, 6-8 inches or so.